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Anti-Tamper Conference 2022 – Two Papers

We’re presenting two papers at the 2022 Anti-Tamper Conference in Laurel, Maryland.


Anti-Tamper Implementation – An Irrefutable Logger in Microchip Polarfire Devices

Kevin Paar, Jonathan Graf, Scott Harper, Tim Dunham

Abstract: This paper discusses the implementation of a rich, irrefutable tamper logging solution for the Microchip Polarfire family of flash-based Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) ICs. Leveraging the unique capabilities of the Polarfire FPGA, the solution immediately journals incoming log entries into secure internal storage and later archives the log entries to an external non-volatile storage media. The solution utilizes rolling-key encryption, authentication, and chained hashing of the externally stored log entries to support verification and validation of log integrity. Implementing this system in Polarfire FPGAs requires a vastly different solution than similar logs implemented in Xilinx Kintex and Zynq UltraScale+ devices.


Modernizing FPGA Design Assurance Software

Jonathan Graf, Scott Harper, Ali Asgar Sohanghpurwala, and Edward Carlisle IV

Abstract: We present five principles for modern FPGA design assurance tools: verification, auditing, quantification, automation, and interoperability. We claim these principles are mandatory for such tooling and explore three software tools in this context – DELV, Trace, and PV‐Bit. Our conclusion is that it is possible to create tools that follow the principles and that this approach quantifiably impacts FPGA design assurance.