We have received a patent on PV-Bit, our unique method of assessing the trustworthiness of FPGA bitstream contents, ensuring they are free from hardware Trojans or unwanted modifications.
Originally, we published a description of this method at GOMAC back in 2017. Since then, we realized we could take the verification method we presented there and patent it. Jonathan Graf, Scott Harper, and Ali Asgar Sohanghpurwala all contributed to the writing of the patent. Great work to all our people who put in the knowledge, effort, and time that made this patent possible!
Private Verification for FPGA Bitstreams
US Patent No US 10,902,132 B2
Jonathan Graf, Ali Asgar Sohanghpurwala, Scott Harper
Abstract: An apparatus, method and system are disclosed which may be used for assessing the trustworthiness of a particular proprietary microelectronics device design representation in a manner that will maintain its confidentiality and, among other things, thwart attempts at unauthorized access, misappropriation and reverse engineering of the confidential proprietary aspects contained in the design representation and/or its bit stream design implementation format. The disclosed method includes performing a process for assessing/verifying a particular microelectronics device design representation and then providing some indication of the trustworthiness of that representation. An example utility/tool which implements the disclosed method is described that is particularly useful for trust assessment and verification of FPGA designs. The described utility/tool may be instantiated on a semiconductor device or implemented as a software utility executable on a mobile computing device or other information processing system, apparatus or network.
You can take a look at our patent at this link.
A diagram from our PV-Bit patent.